Wednesday, December 10, 2014

The World Recoils?!

The Schoolmaster doesn't get political very often, but God is sovereign over every area of life and His Word pricks our heart and sometimes prompts a prophetic voice that cannot be easily suppressed.

CNN Headline #1: World Recoils at US Torture

The world recoils at alleged (inserted by me because it's truly alleged torture that should be reported by our unbiased media) torture used by a legitimate government in defense of its citizens under attack at home and around the world. Is this the same world that barely blinks at public beheading of aid workers,, killing of children who won't convert to Islam, and other forms of violence?

What is the motivation behind publishing a report like this? Couldn't the Senate act on the findings of this report to invoke the kind of change it feels is necessary to protect the rights of prisoners of the war on terrorism? The publication of this report is getting a very predictable response and our soldiers and citizens here and around the world are under an increased threat of terrorism once again. Way to go Senators! This kind of reporting only incites more violence and has placed our military on even higher alert at home and abroad. Way to go CNN!

CNN Headline #2: What's in the CIA Torture Report?

Again, let's emphasize this is alleged torture, although that requires CNN to be unbiased enough to assume innocence in the absence of proof. I have not read the report but I am compelled to respond to the media's incitefull report of the report. I am curious about who the sources are in the Senate report that has stirred up this controversy. CNN reports that the Senate Intelligence Committee spent five years looking at more than six-million pages of CIA documents. Very encouraging when we remember how the same folks admitted they did not read the thousands of pages in the Obama Care Law before passing it! Let's admit that pages of documents are a record of activities and techniques used and reported by witnesses. Let's consider who the possible witnesses of this alleged torture might be...

Were the Senate investigators eyewitnesses? Certainly not. If such zealous seekers of justice had been present, surely the alleged torture would have been reported long ago.

Did testimony come from soldiers who participated in the alleged torture? Hard to believe they would so willingly shirk their duty to uphold the constitution, turn so easily on their comrades in arms, or so seriously perjure themselves.

Does the report rely on the testimony of captives and former captives who claim to have been the victims of alleged torture? Would sensible, serious truth seekers really believe the testimony of persons who are admitted members of terrorist organizations sworn to destroy the US? Wouldn't you expect such persons to give the kind of testimony that will incite criticism and increase distrust of our military? Wouldn't you expect these kind of persons to offer testimony that will promote division among our citizens?

CNN Headline #3: UN Demands Prosecution of US Torturers

This headline provokes the question, by what law should we prosecute the perpetrators of this alleged torture? According to the Constitution of the US? The victims of the alleged torture are sworn to destroy this Constitution. The alleged perpetrators of the torture are sworn to defend this Constitution. It guarantees and protects the right of US citizens, not US enemies. How ironic, insensitive, and illogical to invoke the very target of terror to protect the imaginary rights of terrorists.

A Biblical Response

All of this provokes me to more prayer. I'm praying that God will defend and protect those who've answered the call to defend our country, our citizens, and our Constitution... "I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone--  for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness" (1 Timothy 2:1-2).

I'm also praying more fervently for our enemies, foreign and domestic, whether they are members of terrorist organizations or government officials right here at home... "But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you" (Matthew 5:44).

Finally, I'm praying for educated, truth loving and seeking citizens to see through the inciting twisting of the facts by the media that is charged not to create and promote an agenda, but entrusted to keep us informed... "Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false,  in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness" (2 Thessalonians 2:11-12).

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